— You said it yourself, your salary is your money, and mine is mine. So you’re free, honey… Continued in the comments

– Darling, tomorrow I need to run around the shops, buy cleaning and washing products, plus on top of that we are already running out of shampoos and shower gels…

– What does this have to do with me? – Grisha was surprised. – This is entirely your responsibility, we have already discussed all this with you many times!

“I remember,” Oksana answered her husband. “I just wanted to ask you to give me a little extra money, otherwise I won’t have enough for all of this!”

– Oh, no, I told you, and if you didn’t understand anything, I’ll repeat it again! – Grigory began. – I pay the mortgage with my salary, and no more questions for me. You provide us with food and other small things with yours. What’s not clear about that? If you don’t have enough money, find yourself a bride price or even change your job, find something more profitable…

– Where can I find you another job until tomorrow? You yourself understand that this is all complete nonsense! – Oksana began to argue with her husband.

“I’m not even going to talk to you about this anymore!” Grisha turned away from his wife. “And anyway…”

– What in the world? – the wife could not stand it, sat up and on the bed, without throwing off the blanket. – So, when you don’t have enough for your car, you run to me and beg me for money for your spare parts. When you need to buy new clothes, you don’t hesitate to ask me about it either! – the woman was seething. – And I only needed a few thousand to buy hygiene products for the house, which are used not only by me, and you immediately start poking me with your idiotic rules!

Grisha also did not tolerate his wife’s attacks and got up from the bed completely. He walked back and forth by the bed, without saying anything. But Oksana saw from her husband that he was starting to get angry for some reason. Then he sat down on the corner of the bed and asked discontentedly.

– How much do you need?

– You’ll add three thousand to me! – Oksana answered contentedly. – And stop making scenes here, Grisha, – she asked.

– You understand that I was brought up that way, my dear. My mother and father, they always had their own separate budgets, and as far as I can remember, my mother never ran to my father and begged him for money.

– So, when you run around and beg for them from me, this, in your opinion, is in the order of things…

“I’m not begging, I’m taking them on a job!” Grisha interrupted his wife.

– What are you talking about? – the woman smirked. – So, I’m just asking you for it, for fun, is that how you think?! And this, Grin, I don’t give a damn what your parents’ financial situation was, I’m not your mom, and you’re not your dad. Let’s just calculate our expenses, put money aside for them in advance in a common fund, and then there won’t be any problems! – Oksana suggested. – Otherwise… This division could end very badly!

– What do you mean? – asked Grigory. – Are you trying to scare me with something now?

– I didn’t mean to scare anyone, I’m just telling you that such relationships have never led to anything good for anyone! And when we have children, will you think the same way?! I feed, water and dress one, if there are two, and you the other, or what?

— My parents lived like that…

– How many times do I have to tell you, stubborn one, that your parents are your parents, and there is no need to compare us to them?!

– Okay, – Grisha got mad. – I’ll give you money tomorrow, but I want it to be the last time and don’t come to me with your needs anymore!

Oksana didn’t want to continue this pointless argument with a man who simply didn’t want to understand her. But she couldn’t help but answer.

– Then why did we get married? Why did I marry you? If I can’t turn to you with my needs, then why, excuse the expression, do I need you at all?!

Grisha was very outraged by his wife’s words. The man did not expect such a turn of events.

– What do you want to tell me now? Do you want to divorce me? And anyway, it was you who insisted on officially registering our relationship! – Grigory blurted out.

– Me? – Oksana was surprised and laughed a little nervously. – And weren’t you the one who kept me talking with your “let’s get married”, “we’ve been living together for three years, we need to legitimize our relationship”. Are these my words?

– I’m telling you right away, I won’t give you a divorce! – Grisha summed up.

– Then stop with your rules! – Oksana answered him. – Let’s make a common family budget, and then there won’t be any problems!

“I’ll think about it,” the man grumbled discontentedly.

– Don’t think for long, otherwise I might think too! – warned his wife Oksana.

The man did not respond to his wife’s provocation. He knew her very well and also knew that if a woman gets an idea into her head, she can actually bring it to what she has planned. And he did not want to divorce Oksana.

The next morning, Grigoriy, gritting his teeth, gave his wife the amount she needed. And casually mentioned that this was the last time.

“Okay,” the woman replied. “I’ll tell you the same thing when you need money!”

And she herself began to seriously think about divorce.

In the near future, no changes were planned in the relationship and life of the spouses. Their weekdays and weekends continued to flow in their usual mode. True, Grigory tried several times to beg his wife for money for some of his personal needs and, each time receiving a refusal, he became very angry. But when his wife refused him for the last time, Grisha threw a real tantrum, and he and Oksana had a big fight.

After some time, when the echoes of this scandal died down, Oksana found herself a part-time job, but she decided not to involve Grisha in this. Especially after the recent scandal, when the woman refused to give him twenty-five thousand rubles to order some spare part for the car.

The woman devoted almost all her free time to her new occupation. Coming home from work in the evening, Oksana, having cooked dinner, immediately plunged headlong into the computer. And sometimes she did not leave it until late at night.

To all her husband’s questions about what she was doing there, the woman said that she was not doing anything special. She just sat and read various articles on the Internet.

After the first month of fruitful part-time work, Oksana managed to earn her second salary. And to keep this money, the woman opened a separate bank account for herself, so that her husband would not know anything about it. After all, he himself insisted on a separate budget, so in the end, let it be his way, the wife thought.

During the second month of active part-time work, Oksana earned about the same as during the first. And she also transferred this money to her secret savings account.

One evening at dinner, his wife turned to Gregory.

– Listen, Grisha, – she said. – What do you think, maybe this summer we should go to the sea somewhere, relax, see different places?!

– Yeah, – the husband chuckled. – And then how will we pay the mortgage? Have you thought about that?

— What does the mortgage have to do with it? Why do you immediately take everything so seriously? Is it even possible to just talk to you, without your antics?

– What did I say wrong? – the man was surprised. – If you and I run off to warm countries this summer, we’ll be sucking our paws for several months. And anyway, you didn’t give me money for car parts, you didn’t give me money, so I won’t chip in for your vacation either!

– Then I’ll go myself! – Oksana answered. – Look, I’ll take Ritka with me, she’s been inviting me along for a long time!

– It’s just wonderful, – Grisha started getting angry again. – So you’re going to leave your husband at home and go God knows where with your girlfriends?! What a brilliant idea!

– Well, if you don’t want to, then why should I deny myself pleasure because of you? – Oksana was surprised.

– Excuse me for asking, – Grisha made a very sarcastic expression. – And how will you go on vacation with such funds? Or will Ritka pay for you? Or is Ritka a code name for a lover? And will you instruct your girlfriend, as if she is there with you?!

– Are you completely ill? – Oksana looked at her husband carefully. – How could such nonsense even come into your head?

– And I don’t know what else to think about this! – answered Grisha. – So answer the question. Where are you going to get the money for your trip?

“It’s none of your business!” the wife answered angrily. “Where I’m going, that’s where I’m going!”

– Simply wonderful! What else is none of my business?

“I don’t want to talk to you about this anymore!” Oksana said sharply.

She threw the knife and fork into the plate, got up from the table and left the kitchen.

Grisha continued to express his indignation after his wife, but, realizing that no one was paying attention to him, he also got up from the table and went into the living room, where Oksana was already sitting at the computer with large headphones on her head.

The woman was sitting with her back to the door and therefore did not hear Grigoriy approaching from behind. And at that very moment Oksana was checking her secret savings account.

Grisha was a little taken aback when he saw the impressive sum on the laptop monitor screen. He took the headphones off his wife’s head with a sharp movement of his hand, which scared her very much.

“I don’t get it, what is this?” he pointed towards the screen. “Is this money?”

“Why are you scaring me so much?” Oksana pounced on him with a complaint.

– Answer me a question! – Grigory demanded. – Where, I ask, do you get so much money and why don’t I know anything about it?

– It doesn’t concern you! I’m not going to report to you, you don’t report to me! I don’t even know how much you get, so you won’t know what it is or where it comes from! – Oksana answered him arrogantly.

“I’m the husband, I’m the boss in the house, and the woman must report to me!” Grisha practically shouted.

– Listen, boss, go raise your voice at your car in your garage! And don’t you dare open your mouth so loudly at me! Do you understand me? – the wife answered her husband very rudely.

Then she slowed down a little and said calmly.

– You said it yourself, your salary is your money, and mine is mine. So you’re free, darling! And I won’t report to you!

Grisha got really pissed. It was clearly written on his face that a little more and he might lose control of himself. And if he loses control of himself, then it was possible that he might even raise his hand against his wife.

– So that I have access to this money in five minutes! If I don’t, you will regret it very much! Do you understand me?

– And what will you do to me? Hit me?

– I’ll hit you, and not just hit you! – Grisha was already seething. – So don’t make me angry!

– You know what, my dear… – Oksana began. – I’m already fed up with your antics! You just can’t imagine how tired I am of all this!

– And what do you suggest?

– I want to divorce you! – the woman answered. – I want to live for my own pleasure and not waste the nerves of a man who does not want to appreciate me! After all, when we just lived together, you were a completely different person! What changed you so much?

“We just weren’t married!” he replied arrogantly. “And you weren’t my property!”

Oksana, hearing these words, was at first a little confused, and then even laughed at them.

– Are you saying now that I am your property at this moment? Am I, in your opinion, a thing?

– You made me say it yourself! And by the way, you only have a minute left, and I still don’t have access to this money!

– And there won’t be! – said Oksana and closed the browser.

“You asked for it!” the husband barked.

He raised his fist very sharply over his wife and wanted to hit her in the face. But either he was so clumsy, or Oksana was faster than him. The woman managed to put the laptop in front of her, and the blow landed on it.

Grisha immediately grabbed his hand and started running around the living room as if he had been stung, shaking his bruised hand. Meanwhile, Oksana was not just sitting there: she quickly jumped up from the sofa, threw the computer where she was sitting, and grabbed a nearby iron stool with a soft seat.

Grisha, unlike Oksana, did not have time to react. The corner of the stool hit him right on the back. The woman did not look where she hit, but from her husband’s screams she understood that she had hit where she needed to. While her husband had not recovered from the first blow, the enraged Oksana decided to consolidate her result. And she hit her husband several more times where she managed to hit.

The man fell to the floor and began to cover himself with his hands. Oksana did not know that she could enjoy this activity so much. She received indescribable pleasure while she was beating Grigoriy with a chair. She calmed down only when the man began to scream at the top of his lungs and ask her to calm down.

Oksana really calmed down, she put the iron chair back in its place and couldn’t resist the pleasure. Coming up close to her husband, she kicked him hard in the stomach. So Grigoriy curled up into a ball.

– More? – Oksana shouted under the influence of adrenaline.

Grisha lay and moaned, not answering his wife.

– Tomorrow I’m filing for divorce! And if you open your mouth at me one more time or, God forbid, try to raise your hand against me, – the woman was angry at him. – NEXT TIME I WON’T STOP! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? – she screamed.

Grisha squeaked something unintelligible. Oksana, while he lay curled up in the living room, packed a small bag with her things, checked her computer for functionality, which turned on and continued to work as before. Then she called her mother and warned her that she would be moving home for a while, without explaining the reason over the phone.

The whole time Oksana was getting to her parents’ house, she couldn’t shake the thought that her husband could document the beatings and report her to the police. But over time, everything turned out to be not as bad as she had assumed. He didn’t report it anywhere because he didn’t want to be a laughing stock at work among the men.

But Oksana kept her word and filed for divorce and division of property. All the money that she kept in her second, so to speak, secret account, the woman transferred to her mother’s account and closed her own. So as not to share this money with her husband. Everything else was divided between the spouses. The apartment, furniture and other household trifles. Only she did not encroach on her ex-husband’s car. Since he had it before the marriage.

Over time, Oksana quit her main job and devoted herself entirely to that very part-time job, which eventually grew into her main job. And, as the woman had planned, she still went on vacation this summer. Only not with a friend, but with a new boyfriend who did not have the same quirks as her ex-husband.

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