– Tell the tenants to move out! My mother and sister are moving in for six months, – my husband ordered my two-room apartment. More details in the comments

While stirring the food in the pan, I shouted into the depths of the apartment:

– Darina, for a chair!

My daughter came running almost immediately. She didn’t forget to wash her hands before starting to eat. And the fact that I was able to teach her basic hygiene made me incredibly happy. She ate with pleasure, and I watched her. It’s amazing how quickly time flies.

It seemed like it was only recently that I met Vanya.

We started dating when I was twenty-five. Within six months we were sharing two apartments. I would spend the night either at Vanya’s house or in my two-room apartment, which my parents had given me. And then he proposed to me. That same evening we decided to change something.

– Move in with me, Kristina, why are we living in two houses? We need to settle down in one place, make our own nest. And your two-room apartment can be rented out. Let this money be yours personally, I won’t even touch it. But live with me, please!

Then Vanya looked into my eyes with such sadness that I couldn’t refuse.

And even without that, I had to decide where to live. After the wedding, I wouldn’t be able to run from one apartment to another.

I spent almost two weeks moving things. The apartment was given a thorough cleaning, all the trash and junk was thrown out. And I took some memorable things to my parents. After that, I posted an ad and signed a contract with Alexey and Tanya. Over the past six years, they have never missed a payment.

Vanya and I got married, and a year and a half later Darina was born. I could say with confidence that everything was fine with us. While I was on maternity leave, I managed to get a new profession that did not require being in the office. I started earning money while on maternity leave. I didn’t touch the rent money, it was my financial cushion.

Over the years, Vanya and I have done a good renovation in his three-room apartment. We bought a car and started saving money for housing for our daughter.

Before I knew it, evening had come. Vanya returned from work, and with him his mother-in-law.

– Lyubov Vitalievna, – I greeted her, – you look great. New haircut?

The woman gave me a strange look.

– Something like that.

– Come to the table, dinner is ready.

The mother and son were whispering about something in the hallway while I was putting plates and cutlery on the table.

Dinner was tense and quiet. I tried to start a conversation with my mother-in-law or husband several times, but they didn’t reciprocate. So I turned my attention entirely to my daughter, who happily shared whatever came to mind.

An hour later, the mother-in-law left, leaving behind a trail of unsaid things.

“Why did your mother come anyway?” I asked my husband.

Lyubov Vitalievna did not play with her granddaughter, did not speak, but only remained silent and exchanged glances with Vanya.

– Don’t worry, I just came.

“Okay,” I said incredulously.

Lyubov Vitalievna was not the kind of person who did something just like that. And I was not at all surprised to learn three days later that my mother-in-law’s eldest son, Denis, was getting married. I conveyed my congratulations and thought about it.

It seems that this is what worried the mother-in-law when she came to us. But why didn’t Lyubov Vitalievna just tell us anything? We found out the news, albeit a few days later.

Preparations for the wedding were in full swing. A month and a half later, we celebrated the important event in a restaurant. I watched Darina, who was spinning and twirling, enjoying the way her dress swayed.

We got home only in the morning. I carefully put Darina to bed, trying not to wake her. After a short shower, my husband and I settled down in the kitchen. I brewed some tea and put the teapot with mugs on the table. It was obvious from Vanya that he wanted to tell me something.

“Did something happen?” I nudged him.

My husband looked at me carefully.

– Denis got married.

I chuckled, only Vanya could say something like that.

– Yes, Vanya, I noticed.

But after my words my husband frowned. I carefully moved the mug of tea.

– We have our own rules in our family. A man must bring his bride into his home, give her a roof over her head, surround her with care and protection.

A smile blossomed on my lips.

– I know. You did it for me.

– Yes, and now it’s Denis’s time.

I didn’t quite understand where our conversation was going.

– Vanya, why does this bother you so much?

– Denis will bring his wife to his mother’s apartment.

I chuckled.

– Are you sure? I don’t think Olya would want to live under the same roof with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

– You’re right, so mom and sister will move out, leaving the apartment to Denis.

This surprised me. Lyubov Vitalievna was not one of those who would just leave their home.

– Wow, that’s something. Where are they going to go? Are they going to film?

Honestly, I would have been happy with any option, as long as they didn’t move in with us. But I wasn’t going to tell Vanya about it, so as not to offend him. I had a pretty good relationship with his family. We weren’t close, didn’t communicate often, but we maintained neutrality, which suited me perfectly.

– No, I can’t let them rent a place! There is one option, – Vanya said thoughtfully.

– And what kind? – My insides twisted into a tight knot from a bad feeling.

“Do you really not understand? Or are you just pretending?” the husband asked discontentedly.

– What are you talking about?

– Tell the tenants to move out! My mother and sister will move in there for six months. And during that time we will find them permanent housing, help them buy it and all that, – my husband disposed of my apartment and money.

I stared at him in shock. But Vanya, as if not noticing me, stood up and went into the bedroom. He just dumped the news on me and then went to bed?

That night I didn’t go to bed. I automatically made breakfast, entertained my daughter and did housework. When Vanya showed up from the bedroom at dinner, I immediately cornered him.

– We didn’t finish talking yesterday!

– Kristina, there is nothing more to discuss. You let them into the apartment, and in the meantime we will look for new housing for them. Or we can simply re-register your two-room apartment. Yes, I think it will even be more convenient and easier. Mom likes the location and the layout. We need to call her and discuss it.

My husband nodded and reached for the phone. But I loudly slammed my palm on the table.

– Vanya, don’t you think it’s necessary to discuss this issue with me? Why are you so easy to dispose of my apartment? And I’m not going to sign it over to anyone, do you understand?

“Don’t raise your voice at me!” Vanya said loudly.

I even took a few steps back from him. He had never spoken to me in such a tone before.

– It will be as I said. Period! I am the head of the family, and it is up to me to decide what to do with the apartment, okay?

– This apartment was given to me by my parents. It doesn’t belong to you! This is my insurance, do you understand?

For the first time in my life I saw a person’s face change. Vanya, from a kind and sweet husband, became angry and aggressive. He slammed the door to the room. I heard Darina scream.

– What are you doing? You’re scaring the child, Vanya.

– Listen to me, – he came up almost right up to me and lifted my chin with his fingers, – I am the boss in this house. You have been doing whatever you wanted for so many years, I allowed it. But now it is time to listen to your husband. Your apartment will be transferred to my mother. Be thankful that I did not take away the rent, Christina.

He abruptly let go of me and left the room. I slid to the floor on trembling legs.

– Mommy! – the daughter’s voice rang out.

I hugged her tightly and began to calm her down.

– Everything is fine, don’t worry, darling.

My hands and voice were shaking. The rest of the day passed in a fog. I tried not to cross paths with Vanya. I spent the night in the kitchen, making a plan of further actions in my head.

In the morning, when Vanya left for work, I called the tenants and briefly told them everything.

– That’s the situation. You need to find a new place to live, okay? Sorry it’s so sudden.

– Don’t worry. We were planning to move out soon anyway. Tanya and I almost bought an apartment.

“Congratulations,” I answered quietly.

I wasn’t going to stay under the same roof with Vanya any longer. While he wasn’t home, I packed my things with Darina’s and went to my parents. They accepted me without any unnecessary questions.

“Christina,” my father told me, “this place is your home. You can come back here whenever you want. No one will throw you out.”

Under cover of night, lying in my old bed, I burst into tears. I swallowed my tears and sobs so as not to wake my family. They should not see me like this: tired, falling apart, lost and weak.

I turned off my phone and forbade my parents from communicating with Vanya or his family. I needed a few days of peace and quiet to come to my senses.

Three days later I called Vanya myself. He immediately started yelling at me:

– Where are you? Why did you turn off your phone?

– Calm down, I’m with my parents.

– I’ll come and pick you up now.

I smiled sadly.

– It’s not worth it, Vanya. I won’t go back to your apartment. You made it clear, that place is yours. I can’t live in such conditions. And I’m not going to raise Darina there either.

– Christina, what are you talking about?

– I’m leaving you. Well, technically, I already left. I’ll file for divorce soon.

Vanya puffed into the phone.

– You can’t leave me! There are no divorces in our family, Christina!

I laughed, tears in my eyes.

– Everything happens for the first time, Vanya.

I hung up and fell on the bed. I still couldn’t believe that my perfect marriage was a lie, a fake, an illusion. That Vanya had been hiding his true character from me for so many years!

The door to the room opened slightly, my mother came in and sat down next to me.

– Don’t worry, you can handle it. You are strong and brave, Christina.

– I just don’t understand how this could happen. I’m a good judge of character.

Mom smiled sadly.

– We all make mistakes, dear.

Soon I became free again. Vanya and his family put pressure on me in every way, tried to persuade me to return and leave the child without a father, not to destroy the family. But I did not give in, I still had principles and pride.

A month later, I moved into my two-room apartment. Darina took Vanya and I’s divorce pretty well. She often looked for her dad in the first days. But over time, our daughter got used to the fact that he was almost absent from our lives.

Vanya took her away for one weekend a month. Each time he tried to get me back, promising mountains of gold.

– Vanya, stop it. I would never love the person you have become now. I don’t want to be with you, understand! – I told him six months after the divorce.

After that, he began to take Darina much less often. I was not upset, because my daughter no longer noticed her father’s absence. It was time to rebuild my life.

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