Father-in-law asked to wash his feet, explaining to Tem that I should take care of Hum as I would my own husband. Marina was preparing dinner in the kitchen when her father-in-law knocked on the door. He had just returned from the dacha, tired and dirty. Marina’s husband, Oleg, was staying late at work, and her father-in-law, old and stubborn, decided to ask his daughter-in-law for help. “Marina,” he said, taking off his shoes and sitting down on a chair, “wash my feet, please. I’m tired, I have no strength.” Marina froze in place. She didn’t know how to react to such a request. Her mother had always taught her to respect her elders, but this seemed too much to her. She tried to explain: Further in the comments⤵️⤵️⤵️

Marina was preparing dinner in the kitchen when her father-in-law knocked on the door. He had just returned from the dacha, tired and dirty. Marina’s husband, Oleg, was staying late at work, and her father-in-law, old and stubborn, decided to ask his daughter-in-law for help.

“Marina,” he said, taking off his shoes and sitting down on a chair, “wash my feet, please. I’m tired, I have no strength.”

Marina froze in place. She didn’t know how to respond to such a request. Her mother had always taught her to respect her elders, but this seemed too much. She tried to explain:

– Dad, I understand that you are tired, but wouldn’t it be better to take a shower?

“Marina, you must look after me as if I were your husband,” the father-in-law continued, his voice firm but not harsh. “I am the eldest in the family, and you must take care of me.”

Marina remembered how much her father-in-law had done for them, especially when they were first married. He had helped with the renovation of their apartment, looked after their grandchildren while she worked. But his request still seemed strange and inconvenient to her.

She collected her thoughts and answered quietly:

– Okay, dad, I’ll help you. But please, let’s wash our feet in the bath first. It will be better for everyone.

The father-in-law, seeing her confusion, realized that he had perhaps overdone it with his request. He nodded gently:

– Okay, Marina. Let’s do it this way.

They went into the bathroom together. Marina filled a basin with warm water, added some soap and carefully helped her father-in-law lower his feet into the water. She quietly washed his feet, trying not to look into his eyes, feeling how awkwardness gradually gave way to humility and understanding.

When she finished, her father-in-law thanked her and said quietly:

– Thank you, Marina. I knew I could rely on you .  You are a real mistress of the house.

Marina felt her soul lighten. She realized that caring for loved ones sometimes requires her to overcome her own prejudices and fears. This is what true family is all about – the ability to support and help each other, even if it requires us to go beyond the usual.

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